Bethany Service

Hey guys! Meet Bethany Service! She is one of our talented trombone players, and has been with us since September of last year.

“I have wanted to be a part of a community instrumental group for a while now. So, when I learned of a group that was welcoming to anyone that wanted to play I knew it was the group for me.” -Bethany

Originally from Riley, KS Bethany now lives in Shawnee, KS and is a choir director at Eisenhower Middle School. In her free time she loves watching Netflix and snuggling with her two dogs, Salvadog Pawrez (We see what you did there Bethany! Go Royals!) and Frank.

Bethany has been playing trombone for 20 years and loves to play Sousa marches because “They are upbeat and just really fun to play on trombone.”

Thank you for being part of the symphony family Bethany!